We know it's not a favorite thing to do, but a prostate exam is vital in ensuring the early detection of a range of issues, from cancer to other potential problems. Dr. Puchinsky has years of experience in prostate health, and we can offer a comprehensive screening service. Contact Medical Center Urology in High Point, NC, to learn more about our examinations and why taking care of your prostate is important.
Once you reach a certain age, it's a good idea to have regular prostate screening for the early detection of common issues. At Medical Center Urology, our complete screening service makes it easy and convenient for you to get peace of mind.
If your prostate exam brings back any cause for concern, we'll work with you to take a patient-centered approach to treatment, focusing on various aspects of your health and lifestyle to find the best way forward. Contact us today to book your prostate screening or learn more about our service
Make an appointment for your prostate exam. Call (336) 882-0220.
Phone Number: 336-882-0220
After Hours: (336) 882-0221
Fax Number: (336) 882-1207
624 Quaker Lane Suite C 103 High Point, NC 27262